Jess Glynne x Timor Steffens
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Jess Glynne x Timor Steffens
Commercial work
The netherlands, 2015
1st ac, Best boy
The Project
Making a small gesture can make a lot of difference. Rumag (in co-operation with choreographer Timor Steffens) presents a short videoclip for the emotional song, ‘take me home’ by Jess Glynne. It served as an activation for the brand.
The main idea of the video was to show that the small things in life, like a smile of a stranger, or somebody putting their arms around you, can make a big difference. ‘Be nice to eachother, the world is fucked up enough as it is’, as Rumag says.
Rumag is a fashion brand, but got most notoriety with their controversial texts on social media. On Facebook alone they have 800k+ likes.
The videoclip was wildly successful. Within 24 hours, it got 100.000 views on Facebook alone.
Produced by Bruut Amsterdam for Rumag
What are your thoughts?
I’m always looking for cooperations with interesting people working on inspiring projects.
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